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Confidence Coaching

Why is confidence so important?

Confidence is at the heart of success in life, career and business.  And many of us are held back by feeling that we have a lack of confidence - it prevents us from developing our careers or taking up opportunities.


But often we don't realise that confidence is not an innate trait - it is something that can be learned and developed.


Developing confidence is about choosing better thoughts and believing that you are capable.

Many people are held back by their belief systems - but by working on developing confidence we can rewire those systems and help individuals to realise their true potential.


How does Confidence Coaching work?


Over the course of the 12 week coaching programme, we will:


 - Understand what confidence is and importantly is not​


 - Identify and elaborate on your values


 - Work out when and why the saboteur shows up and how to combat it


 - Work on a framework for dealing with negative thinking and moments of difficulty


 - Support you to take bold action


What are the benefits of Confidence Coaching?


At the end of the programme you will have a clear understanding of your values and how your actions and decision making are driven by them.


You'll have developed the ability to focus on your strengths and capabilities.


We'll develop a range of tools to support you in acting confidently and thinking positively.



So how can Amplify Now help you become a more confident individual?  
To find out more, get in touch below.


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